Thanks for giving attention to Manitoba politics. Great summarization of our election. A couple minor corrections, "a member of the (a) First Nations indigenous tribe, as the state (provincial) premier".

Also in Manitoba our provincial assembly is the Legislature and not the Parliament, therefore we have Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and not Members of Parliament (MPs) which are federal. The naming of provincial assemblies differs province to province, so depending on the province an elected representative may also be called an MNA or MHA.

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I think this article was well written you did a good job at describing why a lot of people were mad at Pallister and then Heather for closing ER rooms and reducing healthcare capacity.

I would say the major factor for the NDP's win in Manitoba was Winnipeg. If you include the metro area has a population of 840 000 which is 60% of Manitoba. Winnipeg is also not as right wing as calgary, with a lot of down the middle voters.

I also wish you had explored a bit more of the history of the NDP in Manitoba. While the federal NDP are to the left of the liberals, the provincial NDP is centrist and the ndp government that ruled manitoba for 3 full terms before pallister won in 2016 was center on the dot or maybe right of center. With Gary Doer cutting taxes but business leaders saying he didn't cut them enough. Due to a booming economy Doer put the surplus into education and healthcare but did not raise taxes. The leader that followed, Greg Sellinger, won 37 out of 58 i believe, but dropped to 14 out of 58 with the 2016 election with the main reason being they increased the provincial sales tax from 7 to 8%. This was then lowered by the PCs to 7%.

Also notable that Stephen Harper lowered the federal government sales tax from 7% to 5% and Trudeau did not attempt to raise it either.

I mean it makes sense because sales taxes are regressive but i think that really shows that they are also anathema to voters.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

In Lagimodiere and Waverly, the NDP actually flipped both of those seats.


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