I’m glad you took a break from Florida historical maps to expose this very serious situation. Very good job here.

Truth be told Trump is the most secular president we’ve ever had. In fact, I wouldn’t even call him secular, I would call him the fake demigod or anti-religious. This is a country where religion and politics have been intertwined since the founding, but it has never been used as cynically or as in such a sinister way as we’re seeing currently. And there are plenty of examples of for use of religion for sinister purposes in politics in the past in the IS but nothing compares to this movement. Every historical example we have pails and comparison both in its scope and its size and its enormity of lies to this movement.

We’ve lived with Haitians here in Florida my entire lifetime and I have never heard the sort of stories that the MAGA movement is spinning out there .

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Just excellent, Matt. Thank you for this, including the links to conservative Catholics making the same case.

I went to Catholic schools through high school and it disturbs and pains me how many of my friends and classmates have bought into the MAGA horseshit. As far as I know, none of them are promulgating the Springfield lies - but how they can actually support Trump, or how they can believe ANYTHING that asshole says, I just can't understand.

I never bought into the Revelation stuff, but how could anyone who does believe it, even metaphorically, NOT at least think that Trump COULD be the Antichrist?

I'm so glad I subscribed to you in time to see this. I'm definitely sharing it & passing it around.

Thanks again!


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