What is the source for the registration figures by race and county? Also, in the future, you should treat the 8-box and secret ballot laws of 1889 and 1895, respectively, as important steps in disfranchisement. See my Shaping of Southern Politics, pp. 91-103. You can now download Shaping for free from my Caltech website.

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Oh yes I talked about the 8-box stuff in the Emancipation article. I was rapidly hitting the limit of substack's size for emailing out, so I had to cut backstory short.

The county-race data largely came from the Secretary of State Reports, though in 1964 they didn't publish race in one official document, but newspaper archives from the time had reports.

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Thanks. I wonder why some counties saw a decline in Black registration from 1964 to 1966. Were there purges? Was re-registration somehow required?

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