We are officially one week away from the Presidential election in Florida. With that, I have done a comprehensive deep dive into what went wrong for Democrats in 2020 in the sunshine state. I cannot come close to fitting the whole saga in a substack, so here is the story on my main website!
The Story of Florida in 2020
This article covers not on the 2020 saga, but also why Trump’s win that year was seen as a “last straw” for many national Democratic organization. The article delves into pre-2020 issues. I cover how Clinton lost the state in 2020.
It visualizes the 2020 results in different ways.
It includes multiple tables and graphs as I work to break down trends by different demographic groups.
It has countless detailed maps for different counties.
There is mountain of information in this article.
Give it a read to hopefully understand the dynamics leading us to where we are in Florida today.
Once more, here is the link!
Having just finished this article moments ago, I am absolutely out of words or quips to offer. Click link - go read - now!