We are just a day away from Election Day, and better late than never - I have my state house ratings.
I’m not gonna type a great deal, you read my my article on my main website for the details.
Here is the Full Ratings Article!
And for those who are having issues opening my site (some web hosting issues I must resolve post-election) - here is a static PDF page.
These ratings are a reflection of the massive GOP advantage in money and turnout. As of this writing, the Republicans have far outpaced their share of registration when it comes to votes cast.
This turnout gap has translated to several districts, with races I initially would have pegged as more competitive being less in play. Meanwhile, Republicans and their interests have so much more cash available than Democrats, that its allowing the GOP to play for several Biden districts. Just because a district is blue in the map below does not mean the Democratic candidate is favored to win it.
It is shaping up to be a bad year for Florida Democrats. How bad remains to be seen.