We are just a few days away from the Florida Primary, and I have completed my massive, mega, primary preview. I have written about every contested statewide, congressional, and legislative primary in the state. Some districts get a great deal of coverage, others are short and sweet. There is something for everyone! Click the link below!
There are many questions to be answered
Will Charlie hold off Nikki Fried in the Gubernatorial Primary?
Will the FL GOP’s nemesis, Anthony Sabatini, win the FL-07 Republican primary
Has Democratic Senate leader Lauren Book stopped a Barbara Sharief upset
Will James Bush III, the most conservative Democrat in the state house, lose his primary?
How close can far-right Laura Loomer get to Dan Webster in The Villages
Can the wife of a Supreme Court justice win a state house seat in Lakeland
Who will win the loan member vs member primary in HD29
Can Mike Hill or Kim Daniels make returns to the legislature
Tuesday is the big day! And don’t worry, result maps will be flowing once the final ballots are counted.
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